Plan for the worst.  Hope for the best.

In this day and age of ransomware let Valkyrie Technologies be your stewards of IT security and give you peace of mind.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR)

BCDR is the cornerstone of any IT infrastructure plan. When the worst happens a business wants to know that there is a plan in place and that they can resume normal business operations as quickly as possible. We work with our clients to design a BCDR that fits their industry and their needs. We offer a variety of cloud and on- site solutions that we implement, monitor and test regularly.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) & Encryption

We can help you protect your critical and confidential information so that it cannot accidentally or maliciously end up in the hands of someone it should not be. In addition we can encrypt your systems to ensure that if your systems ARE ever compromised that malicious parties will be unable to access your critical data.

24/7 Monitoring

Our systems allow us to continuously monitor your IT systems 24/7. If a critical server goes down due to an internet outage or a system failure we will know about it.

Email Security

Today’s landscape is as treacherous as its ever been. Businesses are being heavily targeted via email with an emphasis on ransomware and identity theft. Our software and hardware solutions can be put in place to help filter and block these emails. We can work with your staff to make sure they know how to identify, isolate, and respond to malicious emails.

Intrusion Management

Network security is critical in today’s technology centric world. We can setup a hardware, software, and policy-based system that ensures that malicious actors are unable to penetrate your systems.

Security Assessments & Compliance

With PCI, HIPAA, ITAR, SOC, ISO, and so many other compliances to worry about depending on your industry, it can be a daunting task to make sense of it all. Let us help be the stewards of your compliance. We can run regular Security Assessments to make sure you are in compliance and not vulnerable.

Contact us today for a Free IT Security Evaluation

See how Valkryie Technologies can protect your critical business systems